Satellite Symposia
Congress | Leonardo Da Vinci Auditorium
Saturday 4 May 24
Pietá Room Satellite Symposium
Theme: A Farewell to Frames: Mask-Based Radiosurgery
Speaker: Dr. Michael Shulder
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David Room Satellite Symposium
Theme: Challenges and Opportunities in Remote Programming for Patients with Movement Disorders
Speaker: Dr. Oscar Bernal Pacheco

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Amalfi Room Satellite Symposium
Theme: BrainSense Technology
Coordinator: Dr. Murilo M. Marinho – Functional Neurosurgeon
Special participation: Dr. Ash Sharan - Chief Medical Officer Neuromodulation at Medtronic – presenting "Future of therapy based on data: from closed-loop to Big Data."
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Congress | Leonardo Da Vinci Auditorium
Saturday 4 May 24
Satellite Symposium Gastronomy Thematic Gourmet Space
Theme: 3 years of DRG – Experiences and complex cases
Speaker: Dr. Tiago Freitas and Dr. Igor Campbell
* Limited places - Registration coming soon
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Congress | Leonardo Da Vinci Auditorium
Saturday 4 May 24
Room Pietá and David Satellite Symposium
Topic: DBS Planning using Elements software and Cartesia 3D Directional Electrode
Speaker: Dr. Alessandra Gorgulho
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Amalfi Space Satellite Symposium
Topic: Advances in the programming of neuromodulation devices for refractory epilepsy.
Speaker: Leila Maria da Róz
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Gourmet Space Satellite Symposium
12:00 pm to 1:10 pm
Topics: Are there patient benefits with directional DBS technology that demonstrates superiority over omnidirectional stimulation?
Speaker: Dr Alexandre Novicki
* Entry on a first-come, first-served basis
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