Estamos preparando uma programação inovadora, recheada com o que há de mais novo em nossa especialidade e com importante espaço para discussão entre todos. As atividades sociais e de negócios também entregarão experiências memoráveis para serem compartilhadas entre os colegas. Programe-se para estar no evento durante todo o período para desfrutar de toda a programação especialmente desenhada para vocês.
Conectividade entre neurotecnologia e experiência clínica
Tema do evento
Congress Preliminary Program
Pre-Congress Workshops
Sala Pietá | Sala David | Espaço Amalfi | Espaço Gourmet
Wednesday 1 May 2024
13h00 - 17h00
Curso 1: Radiosurgery Workshop
13h00 - 17h00
Curso 2: Pain Surgery Workshop
Das 9h as 12h - 13h30 às 17h
Curso 3: Movement Disorders Workshop
Das 9h as 12h - 13h30 às 17h
Curso 4: TMS For Neurosurgeons Workshop
Welcome at the Exhibition Area
Opening Ceremony
Talk Session: Leadership and the power of neurosurgical societies
Dr. Konstantin Slavin - President of WFSSN
Dr. Julian Soto - President of SLANFE
Dr. Wuilker Knoner Campos - President of SBENF
20h00 às 22h00
Cocktail at the La Fontana – Restaurant Il Campanário
PANEL 1: Movement Disorders
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Thursday 02 May 2024
Host: Vanessa Milanese
Moderator: Erich Fonoff e Carlos Rocha
08h00 - 08h20
KEYNOTE LECTURE: International Conference - SRS For Tremor in the Era of DBS and FUS?
Dr. Michael Shulder
08h20 - 08h30
Point of View 1: Network based treatment for Movement Disorders
Andreas Horn
08h30 - 08h40
Point of View 2: Potential for neuroprotection in Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease
Suneil Kalia
08h40 - 08h50
Point of View 3: Importance of target and trajectory in GPi DBS and Pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease
Paulo Thadeu Brainer Lima
08h50 - 09h00
Point of View 4: FOG in PSP. What can we do?
Fabian Piedimonte
09h00 - 09h40
09h40 - 10h15
Networking and coffee at the Exhibition Area
PANEL 2: Pain Surgery
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Wuilker Knoner Campos
Moderator: Pablo Fruett e Arthur Ungaretti Jr
10h20 - 10h40
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: Neuromodulation for Neuropathic Facial Pain
Konstantin Slavin
10h40 - 10h50
Point of View 1: Effects of tonic or burst stimulation in invasive motor cortex stimulation for facial pain
Catarina Couras
10h50 - 11h00
Point of View 2: Cordotomy or mesencephalotomy to relieve lateralized cancer pain?
José Oswaldo de Oliveira Junior
11h00 - 11h10
View 3: Radiosurgery For Trigeminal Neuralgia— How Many Times?
Dr. Michael Shulder
11h10 - 11h20
Point of View 4: Multitarget stimulation for cluster heachache. Could it be an option to be considered?
Fabian Piedimonte
11h20 - 12h00
12h00 - 13h10
Lunch Break - Sponsored Symposiums
PANEL 3: Epilepsy
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Leila da Roz
Moderator: Ricardo Centeno e Arthur Cukiert
13h10 -13h30
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: Novel Robotic devices for the treatment of epilepsy
Joseph Neimat
13h30 - 13h40
Point of View 1: Neuromodulation in epilepsy: how to choose the best targets?
Tatiana Von Hertwig
13h40 - 13h50
Point of View 2: Has SEEG replaced subdural grids in invasive monitoring of epileptic seizures involving eloquent cortical areas?
Marcelo Volpon
13h50 - 14h00
Point of View 3: When would radiosurgery be my first option for treating refractory epilepsy?
Antonio de Salles
14h00 - 14h10
Point of View 4: Refractory Epilepsy in eloquent areas: is there a role for Neuromodulation?
Ashwini Sharan
14h10 - 14h50
14h50 - 15h30
Networking and coffee at the Exhibition Area
PANEL 4: Innovation
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Adriana Libório
Moderator: Julio Lustosa e Leonardo Frighetto
15h30 - 15h50
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: Focused ultrasound-mediated drug delivery through the blood-brain barrier
Clement Hamani
15h50 - 16h00
Point of View 1: Novel brain stimulation devices powered by low-energy Ultrasound
Joseph Neimat
16h00 - 16h10
Point of View 2: Wearable Devices for movement disorders symptom evaluation
Bruno Lima
16h10 - 16h20
Point of View 3: Connectome based deep brain stimulation for the treatment of movement disorders
Andreas Horn
16h20 - 17h00
18h30 - 20h30
Assembly SBENF
PANEL 5: Pain Surgery
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Friday 03 May 2024
Host: Eliseu Becco
Moderator: Alessandra de Moura Lima e Gilberto Fonseca
08h00 - 08h20
KEYNOTE LECTURE: International Conference: Indication algorithm for Spinal Cord Stimulation
Ashwini Sharan
08h20 - 08h30
Point of View 1: Should imaging of disc protrusion contraindicate radiofrequency neurotomy of medial branches in axial pain?
Daniel Benzecry de Almeida
08h30 - 08h40
Point of View 2: Possible rescues over tolerance in Spinal Cord Stimulation
Alexandre do Amaral
08h40 - 08h50
Point of View 3: What to do when the patient consumes opioids throught other means than those released by the implanted pump?
Carla Ceres
08h50 - 09h00
Point of View 4: Lumbar puncture drainage and trigeminal nerve manipulation in the cerebellopontine angle microsurgery approach
Jorge Pagura
09h00 - 09h40
09h40 - 10h15
Networking and coffee at the Exbibition Area
PANEL 6: Movement Disorders
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Juliana Zuiane
Moderator: Erich Fonoff e Raquel Brant
10h20 - 10h40
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: New era of biological treatments for PD
Suneil Kalia
10h40 - 10h50
Point of View 1: Adaptive Deep Brain Stimulation: The future of neuromodulation
Kelly D. Foote
10h50 - 11h00
Point of View 2: Clinical Insights of motor and non-motor effects of GPI and STN DBS
Maria Gabriela Ghilardi
11h00 - 11h10
Point of View 3: Scientific evidences and clinical Insights in SCS as a treatment for FOG
Carolina Souza
11h10 - 11h20
Point of View 4: Image guided Image verified DBS
Harith Akram
11h20 - 12h00
12h00 - 13h05
Lunch Break - Sponsored Symposiums
PANEL 7: Psychiatric Neurosurgery
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Lissa Goulart
Moderator: Paulo Franceschini e Tiago Freitas
13h10 -13h30
Keynote Lecture: Connectome based Deep Brain Stimulation for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Depression
Andreas Horn
13h30 - 13h40
Point of View 1: Deep Brain stimulation for treatment-resistant depression: Positive Predictors
João Quevedo
13h40 - 13h50
Point of View 2: Modified Limbic Leucotomy for Depression
Osvaldo Vilela
13h50 - 14h00
Point of View 3: Ablative surgery for aggression: Targets of choice
Rodrigo Labruna
14h00 - 14h10
Point of View 4: DBS for aggression: Positive Predictors
William Contreras
14h10 - 14h50
14h50 - 15h25
Networking and coffee at the Exhibition Area
PANEL 8: Spasticity And Motor Recovery
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Eduardo Quaggio
Moderator: Fabio Okuda e Hougelle Simplicio
15h30 – 15h50
KEYNOTE LECTURE: International Conference: Spinal Cord Stimulation for Motor Improvement
Kendall Lee
15h50 - 16h00
Point of View 1: Brain-Machine Interface for Rehabilitation in Spinal cord Injury
Eduardo Alho
16h00 - 16h10
Point of View 2: DREZotomy and Surgical Treatment of Pain and Spasticity
Alexandre Novicki Francisco
16h10 - 16h20
Point of View 3: Closed loop stimulation for motor rehabilitation in spinal cord injury
Caio Matias
16h20 - 17h00
19h30 às 23h30
CBENF Beach Club Party
PANEL 9: Psychiatric Neurosurgery
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Saturday 04 May 2024
Host: Natally Santiago
Moderator: Marcello Penholate e Alexandre Reis
08h00 - 08h20
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: Closed loop DBS for Pathological Binge Eating: A potential answer for addictive behavior
Kelly D. Foote
08h20 - 08h30
Point of View 1: Emerging Therapies for Psychiatric Deep Brain Stimulation
Kendall Lee
08h30 - 08h40
Point of View 2: Positive Predictors for DBS in depression
Clement Hamani
08h40 - 08h50
Point of View 3: 50 years of GK anterior capsulotomy for OCD: predictors for future refinements
Alessandra Gorgulho
08h50 - 09h00
Point of View 4: Vagus Nerve Stimulation for treatment-resistant depression
João Quevedo
09h00 - 09h40
09h40 - 10h15
Networking and coffee at the Exhibition Area
Painel 10: Innovation
Auditório Leonardo Da Vinci
Host: Francinaldo Gomes
Moderator: Gustavo Lages e Antônio Nogueira
10h20 - 10h40
Keynote Lecture: International Conference: Connectivity guided neurosurgery
Harith Akram
10h40 - 10h50
Point of View 1: DBS for Addiction
Kristen M Scheitler
10h50 - 11h00
Point of View 2: Insular Deep Brain Stimulation for Chronic Pain
Nilton Alves Lara Jr.
11h00 - 11h10
Point of View 3: Sweet Spot Deep Brain Stimulation for Tremor Predicting Outcomes
Vanessa Milanese
11h10 - 11h20
Point of View 4: The return of ablation techniques in neurosurgery for psychiatric disorders
Julian Soto
11h20 - 12h00
12h00 as 12h15
Closing Ceremony
Click here to download slide template for presentations. (optional)
*Sujeita a alterações sem aviso prévio
Haverá tradução simultânea Inglês > Português e Português > Inglês para todas atividades principais do Congress: Cerimônia de abertura, Leadership Talk e 10 painéis.
There will be simultaneous translation for all main activities of the congress. Opening ceremony, Leadership Talk e 10 panels