Dr. Fabián Piedimonte
University Specialist in Neurosurgery.
Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice, certified by the World Institute of Pain (WIP).
Accredited Physician in Pain Interventional Techniques, certified by the Academia Latinoamericana de Médicos Intervencionistas en Dolor (ALMID).
Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Buenos Aires.
Professor of Anatomy at the University of Buenos Aires.
Director of the Neuroscience Department of the “Instituto de Ciencias Aplicadas (ICAP) de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Buenos Aires”.
Consultant Physician of the Neurosurgery Division of the “Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín", University of Buenos Aires.
President of “Fundación CENIT para la Investigación en Neurociencias” (CENIT Foundation for Neuroscience Research).
President of the “Academia Latinoamericana de Médicos Intervencionistas en Dolor” (ALMID).
Honorary President of “Capítulo de Neuromodulación de la Academia Argentina de Psiquiatría” (Neuromodulation Chapter of the Argentine Psychiatry Association) – AAP.
Scientific Program Co-Chair, INS 15th World Congress, Barcelona 2022.
Director of the Biannual Course of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery of the Neurosurgery Argentine Association (AANC).
Vice Chair Latin America Section, World Institute of Pain (WIP).
Deputy Director of the Provincial Program of Neuromodulation.
Permanent General Secretary of the SLANFE.
Editor in Chief of “NeuroTarget, Vanguardia en Neurociencias”, Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Radiosurgery and Pain.
Member of the current Board of Directors of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery (WSSFN).
Member of the IASP Committee on Committees.
Member of the IASP Developing Countries Working Group.
Chairman INS Conflict of Interest Committee representing South America.
Member of the INS Centers of Excellence Committee.
Member of the INS Membership & Chapter Creation, Advocacy and Society Liaison and Globalization Committees.
Ex-INS Regional Director-at-Large for the Latin America Region.
Ex-Continental Vice-President for Central and South America of the WSSFN.
Ex-President of the Latin American Federation of Associations for the Study of Pain- Federación Latinoamericana de Asociaciones para el Estudio del Dolor (FEDELAT).
Ex-President of the Argentinean Association for the Study of Pain- Asociación Argentina para el Estudio del Dolor (AAED).
Ex-President of the Latin American Society of Functional Neurosurgery and Stereotaxy – Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neurocirugía Funcional y Estereotaxia (SLANFE).
Ex-Treasurer of the International Neuromodulation Society (INS).
Founder and Ex President of “Sociedad Argentina de Neuromodulación (SANE – INS Chapter).
Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee of the 15th World Congress on Pain, Buenos Aires 2014 (IASP).